Wednesday, April 2, 2014


A few weeks ago Greysen had another x-ray that revealed a build-up of stool despite the fact that he is going to the bathroom everyday if not every other day (bathroom scheduling is a blog in itself which I intend to write for all my mamas of hirschsprungs babies). For some reason his little body isnt keeping up with the digestion process. As fast as his body is processing food its not getting out as quick as it should. The urge to go isnt there either which is a huge set back since right after surgery he was doing great. Yesterday the nurse called and said they wanted Grey to have a Gastrograffin Enema, also known as a barium enema x-ray, done as soon as possible. Under normal circumstance a build-up of stool is not a huge issue but in a person with Hirschsprungs it can be very dangerous and even deadly. Enterocolitis, a bacterial infection of the small intestines/colon, can occur. If left untreated it can spread quickly and get into the blood stream causing a condition known as septsis. Its very scary and a fear that is always at the back of my mind. Any sign of a fever or diarrhea (basically flu-like symptoms) can be the onset of enterocolitis.

The doctor scheduled the x-ray for today and ordered them to give him minimal sedation because he HATES anything involving the hospital or doctors visits. Last time we were at the doctor his heartrate was 220!! In his mind he wants to know if he is getting an IV, are they gonna stick something in his butt, are they gonna draw his blood, is it gonna hurt, what are they gonna do and in what order,and does he get a toy? These are a  6 year olds thoughts! As we pulled into the hospital he said to me, " I wish this was all a bad dream." Talk about making me wanna cry! So we get into the x-ray room and I had explained to him, "This time will be better because they are gonna give you medicine to help you not be scared." So he asks a million questions about the medicine. Is it gross? Is it a shot? Do I drink it?...Then the radiologist asks me when he last ate. He's not being put under so I'm not sure why she is asking me this. He had just had a snack before we came. She then informs me that he can't have the medicine unless he hasn't eaten within 6 hours which he had. No one had given me instructions that he wasn't supposed to eat! So now Greysen is freaking out even more because what I had told him and prepared him for is now changing. After some crying, lots of convincing, and bribing he agreed to do the x-ray without the sedation. A barium xray is not fun! They put a tube in your bottom and fill your colon with a liter of fluid that "highlights" your insides. As if thats not bad enough, they then tilt the table in every direction and ask you to turn from side to side while they take x-rays and you have to do everything in your power to hold the fluid in! It feels like your insides are gonna explode!

So now what? We wait for the doctor to call. He is going to send the results to Greysens doctor in Denver. The possible cause of his problems could be that the sutures where his intenstines were reconnected to his rectum could be healing too tight making it hard for stool to pass. This would mean another surgery:( Another reason could be that he just needs to retrain his bowels. This can be done through physical therapy or the bowel mangement program in Denver. Whatever the reason I know that I just have to keep praying for complete healing for my boy and try my best to not be discouraged. Kyle and I left with a pit in our stomach. I know that people care and are just as concerned as we are but its really hard for me to answer questions. Part of me hates even telling people he is having more tests because I don't have the answers to their questions. Their questions are the same ones I have and dont have the answers to which leaves me feeling even more frustrated and annoyed. My solution is to write about it here. I appreciate each and every person that follows our story. And just to be clear I welcome any questions on this blog:) So... as soon as we have an answer I will be sure to blog about it here!

These are his "I hate the doctors office" faces haha


  1. Aww no fun!!! I've had that same test where they stick the tube up and highlight you with mystery liquid. Very uncomfortable. Bummer he wasn't able to be sedated. I've had the same scenario with testing, kinda throws a wrench into plans, huh? :( Truth is, after so many procedures, the instructions get all blurred together. Eat, don't eat, water okay, liquids forbidden, OY! I'll be praying for your brave little warrior man.

  2. Thanks so much for posting natalie. Praying and praying for you and our boy.


Feel free to share your experience and questions about hirschsprungs!