Friday, December 12, 2014

Almost an answer...

About a week after our first visit with Doctor Flass we got a call from the nurse. Greysen's blood work came back negative for Celiac's but his Sed rate was a little elevated. She explained that it meant he could have an infection/inflammation somewhere or just be on the verge of getting sick. His numbers weren't too high so the Doctor wasn't worried.

The Doctor called later that day with the Sitz Study Results. He told me that Greysen definitely had some type of motility disorder because ALL the markers were still in his colon. To give you an idea of how crazy this is I will explain how it works. On day 1 Greysen swallows 24 circle shapes in a pill. 6-12 hours later those shapes should be travelling through his colon and within 24 hours they should be completely out of his body. On day 2 he does the same thing except the shape is a semi circle. Day 3 is the same thing except this time the shape is a Mercedes symbol. They do this to time how the body is digesting. On day 4 they take an x-ray to see where the shapes are at within the colon. A normal person would have no circles or semi circles in their system and the Mercedes shapes would be very low in the colon almost on their way out. Greysen's test showed ALL of the markers still in his colon! The doctor kept asking if we were sure we gave him the shapes in the correct order because there were some circles that hadn't even moved and then some semi circles were in front of the circles when they should have been behind . They were all mixed up! A normal colon would digest the shapes in the order they were swallowed!

When I got off the phone I immediately started googling motility disorders. The first one that I saw was Hirshsprung's disease. The symptoms were: Not passing meconium within 24-48 hours of birth, spitting up green bile, projectile vomitting, and much more. Greysen had had every single symptom. I showed my husband and didn't wanna jump to my own diagnosis but I was almost positive that Greysen had this disease.

On March 22, Greysen had the Barium Xray done. We had to wait over the weekend to get the results. FYI if you have to schedule any kinds of tests don't do it on Fridays because you will have to wait until Monday to get the results!

That Monday we went to Dr. Flass's office to talk about all of the results from the X-rays and blood work. As if the Sitz test results weren't crazy enough he showed us a picture of Greysens colon from the barium x-ray. This is what it looked like:

That huge kidney bean shaped balloon should be the size of a small tube. This is what they call a megacolon. Dr. Flass said he has only seen one other child with a colon this big. He estimated that it was 4 times the size it should have been! At this point I decided to mention the idea of Hirschsprung's. Dr. Flass immediately agreed that we needed to do some further testing to rule out Hirschsprung's. The thing about Hirschsprung's is that kids are usually diagnosed as a newborn and it is rare to be diagnosed so late because left untreated it can be fatal due to the picture above. After 6 years of his colon stretching this far it should have burst!!! God was watching over our son! 

The next step would be to schedule a sigmoidoscopy and a biopsy of his colon and rectum as soon as possible. The sigmoidoscopy would look closer at his colon to see if there was any inflammation (from a possible allergy). The biopsy would tell us if there were nerves present in his colon (Hirschsprung's is an absence of nerves). The soonest we could schedule the biopsy was April 26. I was due May 9th with our 4th baby and my original due date was supposed to be April 24th so I was very concerned that we would be having a baby at the same time! I just wanted to be sure that no matter what Greysen would make it to that appointment because we needed answers!

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